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The Profound Connection Between Hearing Health and Overall Well-being

In Hearing Health, Overall Health by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

As an audiologist, I have witnessed the transformative impact of hearing health on the lives of countless individuals. Beyond the simple act of hearing, our auditory system plays a crucial role in shaping our overall well-being.  The Hidden Implications of Hearing Loss Hearing loss is often seen as an isolated issue, but its effects reach far beyond just impaired hearing. …

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Recognizing the Right Time to Update Your Hearing Aids: A Guide by Leading Audiologists

In Hearing Aids by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

Hearing loss is a gradual and often imperceptible journey that can significantly impact our quality of life. Fortunately, advancements in hearing healthcare have revolutionized the way we address this issue, ranging from prevention and diagnosis to management. As leading audiologists, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest research and technologies. In this article, we’ll guide you through …

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Embracing a World of Sound: Making Peace with Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss, Mental Health by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

Hearing is a remarkable sense that connects us to the world around us. It allows us to enjoy music, engage in conversations, and hear the laughter of loved ones. However, for some, the journey of preserving and nurturing this precious sense can be challenging. Hearing loss affects millions of individuals worldwide, but the good news is that recent advancements in …

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Wear Your Hearing Aids to Prevent Falls and Accidents

In Hearing Aids, Overall Health by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to take the precision of our five senses for granted and overlook the pivotal role they play in maintaining our safety. While we often associate hearing aids with improving communication and quality of life for those with hearing troubles, a lesser-known advantage is their ability to prevent falls and accidents. …

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Recognizing the Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss in Others

In Communication, Hearing Loss by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

Life is a rich symphony of sounds, so our ability to hear obviously plays a fundamental role in how we experience the world. Many people are shocked to learn how common hearing loss actually is, impacting almost 14% of all Americans aged 18 years old and above. And perhaps even more shocking is how profound the compounding consequences of hearing …

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Improve Your Relationships By Treating Your Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

Communication is the cornerstone of all relationships, allowing us to share ideas, feelings, and experiences. Imagine a world where this connection is compromised thanks to untreated hearing loss. The ability to listen and engage in conversations is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a fundamental aspect of maintaining healthy relationships. Addressing your hearing loss with the seriousness that it …

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A Link between Hearing Loss & Cardiovascular Disease

In Hearing Health by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

We really can’t get by without a healthy heart. It is at the center of it all, making sure oxygenated blood is delivered to every part of our body.  It is no wonder that cardiovascular disease is one of the most common killers in the United States. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reports that “Heart disease is the …

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Why Pretending to Hear Doesn’t Help

In Hearing Health by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

In noisy or busy settings just about everyone pretends to hear what someone has said when they just can’t make it out. Sure, you could always stop the conversation to ask someone to repeat themselves, but often people choose to pretend to hear, for fear of seeming rude. For people with hearing loss, this can become a serious issue. It …

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Tired of Loud Restaurants? This App Can Help!

In Hearing Health, Noise by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

There truly is something heavenly about ordering out and having other people cook for you after a long day or simply just to celebrate. However, for those of us who love restaurants, it’s more than just that which we love. It’s the ambiance, the plating, the music and simply being out with family or friends. However, restaurants can be noisy …