Why You Should Bilateral Hearing Loss with Two Hearing Aids

Why You Should Treat Bilateral Hearing Loss with Two Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

Dr. Jason Leyendecker
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We frequently get asked if one hearing aid can provide the same benefits as two hearing aids. While a single hearing aid can improve sound quality, it cannot support you in the same way that a pair of hearing aids can. It’s critical to understand how your hearing works and best support your hearing’s natural functioning when choosing the best treatment options for your hearing loss.

Bilateral hearing loss

Hearing loss can manifest itself in various ways. Hearing loss in only one ear is unilateral hearing loss, whereas hearing loss in both ears is referred to as bilateral hearing loss. Even if you have bilateral hearing loss, your hearing capacity may differ between your two ears, and understanding speech from one side of your head may be easier. This is why your hearing specialist will assess each ear’s performance separately and program your hearing aids to address each ear’s unique hearing issues.

Why a single hearing aid may not be enough

We recognize that a single hearing aid may appear to be a quick fix for stress and communication problems caused by hearing loss, especially if your hearing loss is more prominent in one ear than the other. However, it’s critical to comprehend the limitations of treating bilateral hearing loss with a single hearing aid, as well as why it’s not commonly recommended by hearing professionals.

Having two ears serves a vital purpose. Our brain uses the lag between when sound is taken up by each ear to triangulate the sound’s source. This delicate ability enables you to quickly follow who is speaking in a discussion or get out of the way when danger is approaching. This notion of where the sound comes from has an unexpectedly significant impact on prioritizing sound inside our ears. We have problems focusing on specific crucial noises and following speech if we don’t have it.

In bilateral hearing loss, there is a loss of capacity to perceive both the presence and direction of the sound. While single hearing aids can improve the spectrum of sounds detected in a single ear, they do not significantly improve your capacity to recognize the directionality of a sound. Therefore, they fall short of the “natural” hearing experience.

Good things come in pairs

Treating your hearing loss with a pair of hearing aids is likely the most effective treatment if you have considerable bilateral hearing loss. Modern hearing aids include compact and powerful digital sound processing that can enhance the sound in subtle and customizable ways and detect and communicate the slight sound lag between ears, allowing you to regain a sensation of sound directionality.

Hearing loss affects both ears with bilateral hearing loss, and a pair of hearing aids can be used to compensate for each ear’s unique hearing loss. Using a set of hearing aids allows you to experience a more balanced sound. Hearing becomes unduly reliant on a single side of the head while using a single hearing aid. It does not help with directional hearing or sound prioritizing.

To best simulate the sense of natural, undamaged hearing, a pair of hearing aids uses digitally calibrated sound enhancement. While most hearing loss is irreversible, a pair of hearing aids can help you hear better and more clearly. Hearing devices can alleviate the frustration, worry, and health risks associated with untreated hearing loss, with a pair of hearing aids outperforming a single device by a wide margin.

Are you ready for hearing treatment?

Hearing loss is severe, and if left untreated, it can affect our lives for the rest of our lives. Hearing loss that goes untreated can lead to communication issues and a decline in quality of life. Hearing loss that is not treated can lead to various health issues, including decreased cognitive performance and accidental falls.

The sooner you treat hearing loss, the easier it will be to adjust to, and the less influence it will have on your overall health. However, addressing hearing loss at any point offers significant advantages. If you suffer from hearing loss, now is the time to take action.