Audiology Clinic in Duluth, MN

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Call or text us now at 218-217-8682 or send in the form and get your questions answered.

4905 Matterhorn Dr
Duluth, MN 55811

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Call or text: 218-217-8682

Monday through Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm

Audiology Concepts Duluth, MN Google Business Profile

Schedule an appointment with our qualified Duluth, MN audiologists for your hearing loss, hearing aids, or a hearing test.

    Discover what we’ve accomplished for so many others in Duluth, MN who were experiencing hearing loss. We can help you, too.

    Hearing loss can feel isolating. But it doesn’t have to be that way. At our Duluth, MN, location we’re more than just hearing aids. We can help you identify the cause of your hearing loss through hearing tests and a hearing health evaluation to determine what treatment options will work best for you.

    Meet Our Team

    Dr. Kelsey Putvin, Au.D.
Doctor of Audiology

    Kelsey Putvin, Au.D.

    Doctor of Audiology

    Curabitur sed posuere arcu. Phasellus libero enim, sodales id iaculis vel, imperdiet vitae ante. Integer eget mollis metus. Morbi ut luctus nibh, ut facilisis massa. Sed dui velit, commodo eget eleifend quis, consectetur vel felis. Praesent molestie nec sem interdum convallis. Donec tincidunt magna et diam scelerisque, id placerat velit pretium. Suspendisse vel enim et turpis euismod maximus eu non enim. Phasellus fringilla vehicula ipsum, quis suscipit nibh. Proin sollicitudin sit amet lacus vitae euismod.
    Karri Kiefat, Director of Operations, Duluth Office

    Karri Kiefat

    Director of Operations

    Karri ensures that the practice is running smoothly and efficiently. She oversees Human Resources, training, accounts receivable/payable, tracking and strategic planning for the office.

    “As a hearing aid wearer myself, I understand personally how hearing loss can affect your life and how important hearing instruments are to keeping you connected to family, friends, work and everyday life.”

    Karri received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of St. Thomas in Business and her Master of Business Administration from Bethel University in 2009.

    In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and son doing many activities related to sports, the outdoors and family.

    Karla Beheng, HIS, Hearing Instrument Specialist, Duluth Office

    Karla Beheng, HIS

    Hearing Instrument Specialist

    Karla is a Hearing Instrument Specialist. She is here to assist with cleaning and checking hearing devices and making minor repairs on site.

    She also visits various facilities in the Northern region and provides services to the residents as well as provides training to the facilities’ staff on how to properly maintain and care for the devices. Karla enjoys helping patients hearing again while creating a special bond and helping them in any way she can.

    One of Karla’s other passions is riding horses. She also enjoys hiking, camping and kayaking on the shores of Lake Superior. She has two wonderful boys, Ethan and Arren and a dog, Louie, and a cat, Kona, that she loves spending time with outside of work.

    Karly Blomquist, Insurance Verification Specialist, Cambridge and Duluth Offices

    Karly Blomquist

    Insurance Verification Specialist

    Curabitur sed posuere arcu. Phasellus libero enim, sodales id iaculis vel, imperdiet vitae ante. Integer eget mollis metus. Morbi ut luctus nibh, ut facilisis massa. Sed dui velit, commodo eget eleifend quis, consectetur vel felis. Praesent molestie nec sem interdum convallis. Donec tincidunt magna et diam scelerisque, id placerat velit pretium. Suspendisse vel enim et turpis euismod maximus eu non enim. Phasellus fringilla vehicula ipsum, quis suscipit nibh. Proin sollicitudin sit amet lacus vitae euismod.

    What Our Patients Say