Hypertension and Hearing Loss

Doctor measures the pressure of the patient during a medical examination and consultation in the hospital

Did you realize that high blood pressure can also increase your chance of developing age-related hearing loss?

Age-related hearing loss typically begins to manifest in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. You most likely won’t even detect your developing hearing loss even though it’s a permanent condition. Years of noise damage is usually the cause. So how is hearing loss a result of hypertension? The blood vessels inside of your ears and your blood vessels in general can be damaged by high blood pressure.

What is blood pressure (and why does it matter?)

Blood pressure is a measure of how rapidly blood flows through your circulatory system. When the blood moves faster than normal it means you have high blood pressure. Over time, this can lead to damage to your blood vessels. These blood vessels that have been damaged lose their elasticity and frequently become blocked. A blockage can lead to a stroke or other cardiovascular problems. Healthcare professionals usually pay very close attention to a patient’s blood pressure for this reason.

So, what is considered to be high blood pressure?

Here are the general ratings for high blood pressure:

  • Normal: 120/8o
  • Stage 1 Hypertension: 130-139/80-89
  • Stage 2 Hypertension: 140 or Higher/90 or higher

A hypertensive emergency occurs when your blood pressure is over 180/120. This type of event should be treated immediately.

How is hearing loss caused by hypertension?

The blood vessels inside of your ear and your entire body can be damaged by hypertension. As these blood vessels get damaged, it’s likely that the nerves in your ear also suffer lasting damage. Also, high blood pressure can negatively affect the stereocilia in your ear (the tiny hairs responsible for sensing vibrations). These stereocilia aren’t capable of self-regeneration, so any damage they sustain is irreversible.

So regardless of the specific cause, irreversible hearing loss can be the consequence of any damage. According to some studies, the percentage of individuals who have hearing loss is higher when they have high blood pressure readings. Individuals who reported higher blood pressure were also more likely to have more severe hearing loss. The effects of hearing loss, in other words, can be reduced by keeping blood pressure under control.

What does high blood pressure feel like in your ears?

Usually, the symptoms of high blood pressure are hardly detectable. So-called “hot ears” are not a sign of high blood pressure. “Hot ears” is a condition where your ears feel hot and become red. Normally, it’s an indication of changes in blood flow relating to emotions, hormones, and other non-blood pressure-related issues.

In some circumstances, high blood pressure can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms. But how do you know if tinnitus is from high blood pressure? The only way to know for sure is to speak with your doctor. Tinnitus is generally not a symptom of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is sometimes referred to as “the silent killer” for a good reason.

Usually, it’s not until you get your vitals taken at your annual exam that high blood pressure is detected. It’s a good reason to be certain you don’t miss those regular appointments.

How can you lower your blood pressure?

Usually, there are a number of factors that contribute to high blood pressure. That’s why lowering blood pressure might require a variety of approaches. Your primary care physician should be where you address your high blood pressure. Here’s what that management could entail:

  • Take medication as prescribed: Sometimes, no amount of diet and exercise can prevent or effectively treat high blood pressure. In those instances, (and even in cases where lifestyle changes have helped), medication could be needed to help you control your hypertension.
  • Diet changes: Your blood pressure can be reduced by eating a Mediterranean diet. Eat more fruits and veggies and avoid things like red meat.
  • Get more exercise: Your blood pressure can be kept under control by getting regular exercise.
  • Avoid sodium: Pay attention to the amount of salt in your food, especially processed foods. Steer clear of processed food when you can and find lower sodium alternatives if possible.

A treatment plan to manage your blood pressure can be formulated by your primary care physician. Can hearing loss as a result of high blood pressure be reversed? The answer depends. There is some evidence to suggest that reducing your blood pressure can help revive your hearing, at least partially. But it’s also likely that at least some of the harm incurred will be irreversible.

Your hearing will have a better possibility of recuperating if you address your blood pressure quickly.

Safeguarding your hearing

You can safeguard your hearing in other ways besides reducing your blood pressure. This could include:

  • Talk to us: Any existing hearing loss can be maintained and early detection will be possible by getting routine hearing screenings.
  • Wear hearing protection: Earmuff, earplugs, and even noise canceling headphones can help you protect your hearing.
  • Avoiding loud venues and events: Loud noises should be avoided because they can cause damage. If you absolutely need to be in a setting with overly loud noise, at least limit your exposure time.

If you have high blood pressure and are noticing symptoms of hearing loss, make sure to book an appointment with us so we can help you manage your hearing loss and safeguard your hearing health.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.