Tips for Hearing Aid Maintenance

Tips for Hearing Aid Maintenance

In Hearing Aids, Tips & Tricks by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

Dr. Jason Leyendecker
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Are you about to invest in new hearing aids? This is a big deal! It takes most people on average seven to ten years to invest in treatment from the time they suspect they have hearing loss. Still, only 16 percent of people who could benefit from hearing aids 12-69 years old have ever tried them. There are a lot of barriers keeping people from taking the leap and getting the care they need such as fear of appearing old or weak. In truth, many people report feeling decades younger after they get used to life with hearing aids.  With hearing aids, you can enjoy clear and direct conversations every day with the people throughout your life, greater confidence, independence and improved mood.  

Once you get used to hearing aids in your life, you may not be able to imagine going back. One question we get asked often is how long do hearing aids last? Well, the general answer is five to seven years. That may not seem like a long time, but when you consider how much work these tiny digital devices do it starts to make sense. Ideally you should wear your hearing aids from the moment you wake up till it is time to go to sleep. They go with you almost everywhere you go working tirelessly, hour after hour. To make sure you get the longest life and best performance from your hearing devices it is important to take care of them. Here are some tips to take care of your hearing aids so you can enjoy them for years to come.

How to Clean Your Hearing Aid

add cleaning your hearing aids to your nightly routine along with brushing your teeth and washing your face. The first step is removing and wax you see from the surface of the hearing aids

  • Wipe away any wax on the hard shell of your hearing aids with a dry soft cloth. If you have any tube inspect it for buildup and if you have a soft, rubber tip, brush wax away.
  • Look at the microphone to ensure that nothing is clogging it. We can show you where the microphone is at your hearing aids fitting and are always there to remind you if you have forgotten. For those of you who use a behind-the-ear hearing aid, the microphones are usually located on the part that sits above your ear. Meanwhile on an in-the-ear hearing aid, the microphone is often located close to the battery door. brush across the microphones to remove any debris with a soft brush. We can provide you with the most appropriate tools for your model of hearing aid.

Inspect your sound port or wax guard

  • Many models of hearing aids use a small wax guard or wax trap covering the sound port where the sound comes out of the hearing aid to prevent wax, moisture, or other debris from entering the sound outlet and damaging the speaker. If these become clogged with buildup of wax, it can cause the hearing aid to sound unclear. Make sure to take note of your wax guard and replace your wax trap if it seems clogged and is interfering with sound quality.
  • Many models of hearing aid use extended tubing from the instrument instead. We can provide cleaning tools to pick out the wax. We will go over proper cleaning methods for your device at the hearing aids fitting and are always available for a refresher whenever you need it.
  • If you have a custom hearing aid or earmold, there is a good chance it has a vent, or air passage. You can run a thin filament through this space to push any wax out.

Create a Ritual of Care for Your Hearing Aids!

Make cleaning and caring for your hearing aids part of your selfcare routine and you’ll find that your hearing aids will give back to you in connection, independence, confidence and overall quality of life. Researchers believe that it takes on average more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic. However, with hearing aids, you are investing in the long haul. With diligence and dedication, before you know it, cleaning and caring for your hearing aids will be second nature. If you are ready for an upgrade in your current hearing aid or are ready to find out how hearing aids can support you, we are always here to help! Contact us today to schedule a hearing exam now!