doctor holding hearing aid about to put it on patient

When Should I Update My Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids by Dr. Jason Leyendecker

Dr. Jason Leyendecker
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Just like your phone or computer, your hearing aids also need updating. We all know the feeling of our devices becoming slow or outdated, and it’s the same with hearing aids. The constant advancements in technology and design have made it possible for hearing aids to be smaller, more comfortable, and have more advanced features. 

Don’t let outdated hearing aids hold you back from enjoying the sounds of life. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the signs that it’s time for a hearing aid update, the factors to consider when choosing a new device, and the process of updating your hearing aids.

Signs that it’s time to update your hearing aids

Some signs that you may need to replace your hearing aids include:

Your hearing aids are no longer providing the level of amplification you need: If you find yourself turning the volume up on your hearing aids more often or still struggling to hear, it may be a sign that your hearing has changed and you need a new pair of hearing aids with a different amplification level.

You are experiencing feedback or whistling from your hearing aids: Feedback occurs when the sound from your hearing aids gets picked up by the microphone and creates a loop, resulting in a whistling sound. This could be caused by a malfunction in the hearing aid or an issue with the fit of the device.

Your hearing aids are not comfortable to wear: If you are experiencing discomfort or pain when wearing your hearing aids, it may be a sign that the fit is not correct or that the device is not the right size for your ear canal.

Your hearing aids are physically damaged or not functioning properly: If your hearing aids are broken, dropped or exposed to moisture, they may not function properly.

Your hearing aids are outdated and no longer compatible with current technology: Hearing aid technology is constantly improving, and new features and capabilities are being added. If your hearing aids are several years old, they may not be able to take advantage of these new features and technologies.

Your hearing aid batteries are not lasting as long as they used to: As your hearing aids get older, their batteries may not last as long. This could be a sign that the hearing aids are not functioning as efficiently as they used to and may need to be replaced.

You are not satisfied with the sound quality of your hearing aids: If you are not happy with the sound quality of your hearing aids, it may be a sign that the device is not the right fit for your hearing loss or that it is not properly adjusted.

Factors to consider when choosing a new hearing aid

When choosing a new hearing aid, there are several factors to consider. The first is the type of hearing loss you have. There are several different types of hearing loss, including conductive, sensorineural, and mixed. The type of hearing loss you have will determine the type of hearing aid that is best for you.

Your lifestyle needs are also an important consideration. If you’re an active person who enjoys outdoor activities, you’ll want a device that is durable and water-resistant. If you’re someone who frequently travels, a hearing aid with wireless connectivity may be a good option.

Budget is also a consideration when choosing a new hearing aid. Hearing aids can range in price from several hundred to several thousand dollars. It’s important to find a device that fits your budget and meets your needs.

The process of updating your hearing aids

Updating your hearing aids is a process that typically involves scheduling an appointment with an audiologist. During your appointment, the audiologist will assess your hearing and recommend different types of hearing aids that may be appropriate for you. You’ll then have the opportunity to try on different devices and see which one feels most comfortable and provides the best sound quality.

Once you’ve chosen a new device, the audiologist will adjust the settings to suit your hearing needs. This process may take several appointments to get the settings just right. The audiologist will also provide you with instructions on how to use and care for your new hearing aids.

If you’re ready for an upgrade, we encourage you to visit our hearing practice. Our team of audiologists is dedicated to helping you find the right device for your specific needs. Contact us today to set up an appointment.